Give back on 30 November

Giving Tuesday began as a response to Black Friday, the day after American Thanksgiving when people rush to the stores to snap up bargains. Meant to counterbalance Black Friday with a charitable message, Giving Tuesday is now a global movement that encourages people all over the world to give back by doing random acts of kindness, donating to their favorite charities, or doing volunteer work that helps bring about real change in their communities.

Plan to give back

Now is the time to start thinking about what you and your family can do on Giving Tuesday to make your community even better.

You might organise a blood drive by recruiting friends and neighbours to join you as you give the gift of life, craft for a local charity that accepts chemo caps or other handmade items, rake your neighbour’s leaves, make cards to donate to a hospital or nursing home, clean up graffiti in your neighbourhood, adopt a grandparent, or simply plan to spend the day looking for ways to be extra kind to those around you.

Every act of charity and kindness, no matter how big or small, makes an impact.

Do more with a Foresters Community Grant

Foresters Financial members can give back in their local communities all year long with the help of a Foresters Community Grant. Community Volunteer grants are worth up to £2000 (local currency), and allow members to organise meaningful volunteer activities that make a difference. The Foresters Care grant is a one-time grant of £200 that enables members to quickly respond to an immediate need in their community.

What organisations can these grants support?

Members can use the grant money to support a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation that provides services and assistance to an in-need group that will receive the benefits of the grant. These organisations can fall under the following categories:

  • Children and youth
  • Seniors
  • Health and wellness
  • Food/clothing donation
  • Emergency assistance
  • Frontline workers
  • Pets

What activities can members organise for their chosen organisation?

The possibilities are endless, and a little research can help you determine what organisations in your community could use some extra help. But if you’re looking for ideas, consider the following:

Children and youth

  • Organise a back-to-school supply drive
  • Host a food drive in support of breakfast clubs
  • Replenish a library
  • Create care packages for teens in shelters
  • Put together birthday boxes for children living in shelters


  • Host a virtual game day
  • Schedule a virtual visit or activity
  • Create care packages for nursing home residents

Health and wellness

Clothing and food donation

  • Organise a clothing drive for a local shelter
  • Organise a towel, blanket, and bedding drive for a local shelter
  • Donate to a food bank or community kitchen
  • Support a local Ronald McDonald House by dropping off food and supplies

Community beautification

  • Organise a park clean-up event
  • Beautiful your community by organising a Guerilla gardening event

Emergency Assistance

  • Organise a first aid kit drive

Frontline workers

  • Deliver coffee or food
  • Donate PPE equipment
  • Create care kits for healthcare workers


  • Donate pet food and supplies to a local animal shelter

Get started!

Foresters members can visit to find out more about Community Grants, and to apply online today. It’s important to note that applications for Foresters Care activities held in 2022 must be received by this 17 December 2021. You can apply for Community Volunteer grant activities you’re planning in 2023 starting 1 November  2021. 

In the meantime, for even more inspiration, check out the Foresters CARE Facebook group to see all the incredible ways our members are reaching out and making a real difference right in their own communities.

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