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5 ways to promote a healthier workplace

Creating a healthy workplace can happen with just a few changes that promote healthy behaviour and stop people from sticking to bad habits. Not only can this mean the health of your workforce is improved, it can also have a knock-on effect in terms...

5 reasons you should be eating more sweet corn

When it comes to delicious, healthy and versatile ingredients, sweet corn should be top of your list. While the vegetable has had a number of myths circulated about it over the year that has put many people off including it in their diet, it...

What cooking methods can make your food healthy?

While the ingredients you use to create a meal will impact the number of calories it contains, they can only go so far in ensuring it is as healthy as possible. After all, you could create a meal entirely out of vegetables, but if...

Why your scales don’t always show your weight loss

A man facing mirror
When you're trying to get fit and healthy, one of the easiest ways of measuring your success is to step on the scales. After all, losing weight shows you that all your hard work is paying off and is the best method of gauging...

Healthy fish recipes for a Mediterranean diet

Not only does the Mediterranean diet include a great range of flavours, it is also a really healthy option. Low in fat and high in vegetables and fruit, this diet is the perfect option for helping you lose weight and improve your overall health,...

Could cycling help reduce stress?

Workplace stress doesn't only affect you while you're at work, it can also have an impact on your health and other aspects of your life. While trying to leave issues at work in the office is a good way to deal with stress, it...

5 ways you could be failing your fitness goals

If you're trying to get fit and healthy, simply going to the gym more often isn't going to cut it. You need to make lifestyle changes beyond how much you exercise if you really want to see results and maintain them over time. Unfortunately, there...

5 ways to feel great after a flight

Everyone loves heading off on a holiday, however, not everyone loves going on a flight. Not only does flying mean you need to deal with more stress before you reach your destination, it can also leave you feeling tired and sore - especially if...