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Which is worse, fat or sugar?

Women looking at a donut
We've all heard the debate about which is worse, fat or sugar. Some people seem to say fat while others sugar, so which is it really? It now seems that we have an answer, so it is worth factoring these findings into your diet. Sugar Sugar seems...

Sweet potato recipes to beat your carb cravings

Standard potatoes may be tasty but they contain a lot of carbohydrates and can actually increase your blood pressure, especially if you eat them several times a week. You may think that steering clear of unhealthy potato recipes - such as chips - is...

Why you shouldn’t overtrain

While working out regularly is key to improving your fitness, you can exercise too much. There is a difference between pushing through boundaries and overtraining, so you need to know when you're guilty of the latter so you can avoid it. You should vary the...

Easy breakfasts that will keep you going

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but we don't always have time to prepare a complicated recipe. This can leave you reaching for a sugary muffin or fatty pastry from the supermarket or coffee shop. Not only is this not great for...

How can exercise make you happy?

We've all heard that exercise gives you a high due to the endorphins released while you work out, but did you know that frequent exercise helps to keep you happy and fights depression? Staying active and being healthy can help affect your mental state as...

How to get ripped abs without back pain

Getting ripped abs isn't as easy as you may think and doing exercises incorrectly can actually lead to back pain. You can also experience discomfort in your back if you do the same type of exercise - such as sit-ups - too often. In fact,...

Cardio exercises to help you get started at the gym

If you're just starting to get into exercise and go to the gym, it can be a bit confusing when it comes to deciding on what exercises to do. While you want to create a well-rounded workout routine that suits your needs and will...

Great watersports for summer fitness

Working out in the summer can be a bit unpleasant. If the weather is hot enough as it is, the last thing you want to do is head to the gym to exercise or go for a run. Luckily, there are ways you can workout...