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Why you need fibre in your diet

We all know that a balanced diet is important for our general health and well-being, as well as daily energy. This doesn't just mean getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need, keeping your diet balanced also requires the right amount of fibre. You need...

What not to eat and drink before a workout

If you're getting ready to hit the gym, you want to be sure that you're getting the best out of your workout. Not only does this mean wearing the right clothing and knowing what you're doing with the equipment, you also need to eat...

Small changes that make a big difference in summer

People in forest
Whether the summer has started for you or you're getting ready for it to hit in the next few months, you know that your lifestyle needs to change slightly in the season. Warmer weather, higher humidity and more sunshine mean you need to take care...

Working out in the heat: What you need to know

A girl drinking water
Whether you live somewhere that is always hot or are getting ready to start working out in the summer, you need to be aware of what exercising in the heat can do. Not being prepared for the higher temperatures can put you at risk of...

5 summer workouts to try

If you're lucky enough to have a few months of summer laid out before you, it could be a good idea to make the most of the weather and change up your exercise regime. While you could stay in the gym and workout as...

Can you survive without carbs?

A man in kitchen
There's always a lot of hype around carbs, which can make it a bit confusing when you're trying to eat healthily. We're told that some carbs are good while others are bad, that you should avoid them to lose weight and many other things....

3 kettlebell exercises to try

Kettlebell workouts are a great way to improve strength and endurance, as well as tone and build muscle. While many of the benefits are similar to those offered by dumbbells, kettlebells also challenge your grip more and offer a more intense core workout due...

Which is worse, fat or sugar?

Women looking at a donut
We've all heard the debate about which is worse, fat or sugar. Some people seem to say fat while others sugar, so which is it really? It now seems that we have an answer, so it is worth factoring these findings into your diet. Sugar Sugar seems...