Waste not, want not! Save money by reducing food waste

Americans are throwing out an astounding $165 billion worth of food every year. That’s roughly 40% of what they buy, and it amounts to an average of $2,200 in food waste per household!1 We’ve all let a loaf of bread go fuzzy, or forgotten about...

Animal lovers unite!

If you have a pet, you don’t need science to tell you that your furry, feathered, or scaly friend makes you feel better on bad days, and great on good ones. But in fact science has shown that owning a pet can potentially do...

How to “spring ahead” without falling behind

Everyone loves that extra hour of sleep we get in the fall, just as things are getting darker and colder, and all we want to do is stay inside and snuggle up under a blanket. But even though it brings a little extra light...

Colon cancer: Symptoms, Risk Factors and Preventions

Let’s start with the good news: despite its high incidence rate, colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable and, if it’s found early, one of the most treatable forms of cancer.1 March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, so it’s a great time to...

True wellness: living your best life

How to protect personal information online
According to The World Health Organization1, wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. It’s not just being free from illness; it’s a dynamic process of change and growth. Those may sound like lofty,...

Insure your love

“Life is for living, and you must live on.” With those sweet words to his small daughter who has fallen asleep in her bed, the dad in a touching commercial produced by Life Happens, simply fades away. We learn that he is no longer...

Everything’s better with bacon

Membership Matters
Let’s start with the not-so-great-news: the hard truth is that because bacon is a processed food that’s high in sodium, nitrates and saturated fat, it’s probably something that’s best to have in moderation. But the good news is that generally bacon is a side...

Ditch the plastic: go cash-only this month

Once upon a time, cash was the only way to pay for things you needed. In the 1920s, some stores and oil companies began offering “courtesy cards” that allowed consumers to charge purchases, but those cards were only accepted by the merchants that issued...

Share the love of reading on International Book Giving Day

Everyone knows that February 14 is traditionally recognized as a day to celebrate love, but you may not know that it’s also the perfect day to share the love of reading with family, friends and even strangers! International Book Giving Day, celebrated on February 14,...

You’re never too old to play: how to plan a fun game night

George Bernard Shaw once said, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” Let’s face it: adults don’t generally get to spend a lot of time being silly and having fun because we’re overwhelmed with day-to-day responsibilities and...