How to have an energy-efficient summer

You may not think so, but summer actually provides ample opportunity to be energy efficient when entertaining. Consider these tips when you’re planning your next summer get-together!

Step this way: the benefits of walking

You probably know that any physical activity, including walking, can help you live a healthier life. But walking in particular comes with a host of benefits.

Did you know? 10 tips for healthy living

Check out our list of simple ideas and clever suggestions for ways to help you live a healthier life.

4 small changes to make your workplace healthier

Working in an office - as so many of us do nowadays - isn't the best for your health. Spending all day sitting down indoors, with little sun or fresh air, can lead to a whole range of health problems. Add to this the...

A yoga routine for your lunch break

Working in an office all day tends to be bad for your health, as that level of prolonged sitting has been linked to obesity, heart disease and a range of other conditions. While many of us would like to get out of work and...

How much protein should you be eating?

When the topic of nutrition comes up - especially for people who regularly exercise - the conversation will inevitably focus on protein. We're always being told to eat fewer carbs and more meat, fish, nuts and other sources of protein. We're encouraged to consume...

A family of volunteers: Meet the Tardis

Not only do volunteer opportunities give families a way to bond over a common interest, children who experience volunteering as part of growing up are much more likely to volunteer as an adult. Learn how the Tardis give back as a family.

Be prepared for summer’s extreme weather

Healthy living
Depending upon where you live, you may only just be getting the first few hints of the warm summer weather to come. Those blazing hot days and extreme weather alerts may seem far away, but that weather is on the way, so now is...

Step up and step in: Recognizing and preventing youth violence

Being vigilant and understanding the risk factors associated with youth violence can help ensure that the young people in our lives are neither perpetrators nor victims.

How to foster community when it doesn’t come naturally

There are ways to comfortably break out of your routine, step out of your comfort zone and start enjoying the many benefits of reaching out to the community around you.