How swimming can boost your Health Score

With summer fast approaching, there's no better time to get up and partake in a sport or activity that you wouldn't usually consider. While you might not fancy running around on a pitch or court, the warmer temperatures are perfect for cooling off and...

What to eat before going to the gym

Drinking before workout
Whether you're going to the gym, out on a run or carrying out exercise in the comfort of your home, it's vital that you eat beforehand. Exercising on an empty stomach is a bad idea and should be avoided at all costs. This is because...

Tips for staying motivated

Men working out at gym
When keeping fit, commitment and dedication are both key in order for you to see results. While there will be some days where you feel on top of the world after your workout, there'll also be days where you don't perform as well as...

How to cool down after high-intensity exercise

Before carrying out any type of exercise, it's customary to warm up beforehand in order to stretch your muscles and prepare your body for the activity that's about to follow. This helps to reduce your risk of injury, such as pulling a muscle or...

Things to know before starting running

If you're a fitness fanatic, but tend to focus on body weight exercises - or if you're a newcomer to the fitness world - you might be considering taking up running. There are a number of reasons why people choose to run, be it solely...

Monitor your sleep

A man sleeping in bed
Monitor your sleep with Foresters Go You can easily transfer your sleep data automatically from external activity trackers from Fitbit, Jawbone, Bodymedia, Withings, etc. or you can enter the data manually. All data gathered is automatically integrated in the calculation of your personal Health Score. Benefits of...

Healthy recipes: Fruit

With the arrival of spring and with summer soon on its way, many people turn to using fresher, lighter ingredients in their cooking. When it's warm outside, it's nice to eat something juicy and refreshing, like fruit, rather than consuming something that feels heavy...

National Walking Month

A woman smiling
The month of May brings an influx of fresh blooms and warmer weather, signaling that spring is well and truly upon us. It is during this month that many people pledge to make the most of the better weather by getting fit and staying in...

Tips for fitting exercise into a busy schedule

If you work nine to five and have a whole host of other daily commitments aside from your job, you might feel that your busy schedule is taking over, leaving you with little time to yourself - or more importantly, to carry out activities...

How yoga can boost your Health Score

People doing yoga inside
Now the weather is improving, you're probably thinking of more season-appropriate exercise measures, such as swapping the treadmill for running outdoors and taking up tennis or squash. While you might think that strenuous sports are best for your health, you may be pleased to discover...