A modern fraternal supporting the next generation

A group of kids gardening
A group of kids gardening

Volunteering is a difference-maker for the causes and organizations that work towards a brighter future. Without volunteers, people could go hungry, green spaces wouldn’t get the care they need and seniors would miss out on quality time with younger generations.

Selfless volunteers are part of why our communities become better places. We see that at Foresters. We’ve also seen the difference a group of dedicated volunteers can make. But for that to continue, we must inspire the next generation to give back. We want to do our part to help, and we’re making strides in reaching that goal.

150 years of evolution for the next generations

Our history goes back to 1874, and it’s always involved doing more good and giving back to the people and places we love. Over the years, different causes and world events guided how we give back and empower our members to volunteer. From helping communities recover after wars to organizing and supporting cross-country and continental campaigns that help people, our members have always risen to the occasion to lend a hand.

As our members stepped up over the years, so have the benefits we offer. As they changed with the times, our benefits have continually kept the focus on allowing people to do the good they want to do.

That constant evolution of our benefits is part of how we’re keeping the next generation inspired. By giving members the right tools and resources to support their causes, we’re also planting the idea in the younger generations, who see their loved ones in action, that volunteering can make a difference.

Grants and Growing a Better Future

Today, there are many ways for our members to volunteer. Our Community Volunteer and Foresters Care™ grants are powerful options to help your community.

Along with these grants, we have the Growing a Better Future program to give our members more choices in how they can reconnect and enrich the world with activities like:

  • Grow it forward – helping more people start community gardens and public food forests.
  • Pick me up – inspiring a love for cleaning up and caring for our parks and trails.
  • Bee the change – saving the bees by planting pollinator-friendly flowers and creating bee houses.
  • Let’s get growing – offering more ways to grow healthy and sustainable foods at home.

Getting your children involved

With all these new ways to lend a hand, you may have thought about getting your children or grandchildren involved. When you’re feeling ready to bring them along, here are a few tips to keep children engaged with volunteering.

  1. Lead the way. Many members may already be doing this, but it’s a great place to begin. Be the person who starts your family down a path of giving back. This can be especially effective if you have young children who love to follow in the footsteps of their parents.
  2. Start with something fun. Ask your children or grandchildren what interests them. Maybe they want to help at an animal shelter or clean up their favorite park. Learn what they want to do and start there.
  3. Add volunteering to the family schedule. Life can be hectic, and we can all use a little more structure here and there. Add in a day, whether it’s once a week or a month, to give back. Take it one step further and write it on a calendar so everyone in the family can see the day coming.
  4. Show them who they can help. Taking your children to see issues firsthand is a great way to start building enthusiasm for volunteering. Show them an animal shelter at work or take them to see an organization protecting the environment. Seeing people in action can be the spark that ignites a passion for giving back.

Supporting younger generations

Our Competitive Scholarships continue to give the next generations ways to reach their goals while instilling and encouraging a love for giving back.

Eligible students in Canada and the United States can earn up to $2,000 to help with their education. The scholarship deadline has been extended! You now have until April 30, 2024, to apply for Foresters Competitive Scholarship. Plenty of time to get your volunteer hours in and increase your chances of earning extra funds for school!

Speaking of volunteer hours, students can use our grants towards their scholarship application. But there’s more! In celebration of Volunteer Month this April, we’re topping up our $200 Foresters Care grants with an extra $150! That’s $350 to make an even more significant difference in the communities you care about most.

Get started with these powerful benefits and more on MyForesters now!


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Description of member benefits that you may receive assumes you are a Foresters member. Foresters Financial member benefits are non-contractual, subject to benefit specific eligibility requirements, definitions and limitations and may be changed or cancelled without notice or are no longer available.


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