Fall into organization

As the weather grows colder, we naturally spend more time indoors. Getting your home ready for months of heavy use by purging and organizing is a great way to make those cozy winter months a little more comfortable. Check out these 10 simple ways you...

What IS self-care?

When people talk about self-care, it’s often things like taking a bubble bath, treating yourself to a new book or getting a massage. There is no doubt that these activities can be a wonderful way to look after your world-weary body and mind —...

Lifehacks for living in an age of anxiety

We all feel overwhelmed sometimes. Occasionally, we might find ourselves simmering with anxiety caused by stress and worry. While uncomfortable, these feelings usually subside when the problem causing them is resolved. It’s important to note that if you’re experiencing anxiety that has been going on for...

Cook at home and your body will thank you

There’s a lot of truth to that old saying, “you are what you eat.” When you put healthy food into your body, you give it the nourishment it needs to stay healthy.. According to NHS1 eating a well-balanced diet can: provide the energy you need...

Can’t make ends meet? Here’s what to do next

Financially, it’s a difficult time for many people right now. Layoffs, closures and fewer work hours leaves a lot of people are struggling through no fault of their own. It’s a helpless feeling when the bills come in and it can be hard to...

Keeping your community safe in an emergency: A checklist

With climate change making extreme weather events like floods, damaging storms, forest fires and dangerous heat waves more common all over the globe1, taking proactive steps to protect your family and your neighbors has never been more important. The following efforts can help keep you...

YouTube tourism: explore and learn without leaving home

Travel might not be in the cards for you right now, but did you know that you can experience fascinating places, meet interesting people from all over the globe and learn incredible new things — all from the comfort and safety of your own...

Side gigs for retirees: how to make a little extra cash

You may be retired and no longer responsible for getting up at the crack of dawn, slurping down a scalding cup of coffee and scurrying out the door to get to work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make some extra money doing something...

Take action now for a healthier you later

When you’re in your 20s or 30s, it’s easy to think that the aches and pains plaguing older people are inevitable. In some ways that’s true — the body does slow down and change as we age. But there are many things you can...

Pole walking: stride your way to a stronger you!

If you already love walking and use it as a way to get your recommended 30-minutes per day of aerobic exercise, you might be interested in trying pole walking — also known as Nordic walking. As the name suggests, pole walking is simply walking with...