How to spring clean your health

Spring is the perfect time to break away from any bad habits you may have developed over winter and get your health back on track for the summer. Now that the long dark months are over, it’s time to take a look at your health,...

Your Foresters Report is on its way!

Foresters Report
Make sure to keep checking your mailbox, because your 2018 Foresters Report will be arriving soon! In addition to providing you with an overview of our financial strength including our annual sales figures, funds under management, and financial reserve, we’ll be sharing details about...

Top ways to stay motivated to exercise

young sportsman and woman playing soccer on hardcourt
It’s a rather long time since January 1st and many people will have seen their New Year’s resolutions come and go since then. Even with the best laid plans it can be hard to stay motivated, but combining a number of strategies may help...

Fitness challenges: What you need to know

Fitness challenges are a really good way to help you stay motivated with your exercise regime and ensure you’re moving forward. They are great for boosting your confidence and reinforcing the feel-good factor associated with getting active. It’s important to go about setting yourself a...

Dealing with post-workout pain

Exercise is supposed to make you feel better and in the long-term it should, but even when you’re doing your body good it can feel painful at first. That’s because the process of developing your muscles involves them breaking down and subsequently rebuilding. The first...

True wellness: living your best life

Wellness in 2019
According to The World Health Organization1, wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. It’s not just being free from illness; it’s a dynamic process of change and growth. Those may sound like lofty,...

10 simple ways to save gas

10 simple ways to save gas
Gas prices fluctuate seasonally and when the available supply of gasoline increases and decreases, sometimes filling your tank is fairly affordable, and other times it feels like highway robbery. With the warmer weather set to move in, prices are likely to start to climb if...

How to make your community safer

Couple with insurance agent
How you feel about the place where you live impacts so many aspects of your life, which is why it’s very important to feel safe and protected in your neighborhood. You’re more likely to get out for a walk, chat with your neighbors, enjoy...

Resolution fail? Bounce back!

Resolution fail
We all have really good intentions at the beginning of the year, and often set noble goals that we hope to achieve. Maybe your New Year’s resolution was to deal with the clutter in your home once and for all, or to finally quit...

World Health Day

World Health Day
View Post Every year on April 7, the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates World Health Day to draw worldwide attention to health-related issues of global importance. Since 1955, WHO has chosen specific themes to focus on each year. These have included everything from global polio...