Can kids have life insurance?

Purchasing life insurance for a child might seem unnecessary, and maybe even a little scary, upon first reflection. But that really couldn’t be further from the truth. Protecting your loved ones with life insurance for yourself is an act of love that ensures you can always take care of them, even after you’re gone. Purchasing life insurance for a child is a way of cloaking them in that same kind of security for their whole lives.

Yes, children can have life insurance. Here are some of the benefits they can enjoy by having that added layer of protection:

  • The death benefit amount and cash values associated with a child’s life insurance policy are guaranteed for their entire lifetime, which means the product you purchase for them today could benefit their future family years from now. In fact, you might actually be providing critical financial support for your grandchildren when you purchase life insurance for your child.
  • Your child will always be able to obtain life insurance coverage, no matter what happens with their health as they age. With early life insurance coverage, you can guarantee their future insurability.
  • When you choose a Foresters Financial product for your child, you’re also giving them the gift of Foresters membership. They become part of a global community of like-minded, purpose-driven members who can help inspire them to make a difference in their own community. Membership can help give them meaning and a sense of belonging, which is something all children crave. It can also instill in them a lifelong commitment to giving back, which is good for their mental health ( ) and great when it comes time to apply for post-secondary education and a Foresters Competitive Scholarship (
  • When they turn 16, your child will have access to the same exclusive Foresters member benefits designed to help enrich family and community life that you enjoy. Some benefits, like the Community Grants Program and LawAssure do require them to be 18 to apply.

To speak with a Foresters advisor about what kind of life insurance is right for you and your child, contact our service department toll-free at 1-800-828-1540.

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