Five ways to speed up your metabolism

If you are keen to improve your health, knowing how to speed up your metabolism can be key to achieving your goals. Fitness tracking...

Why do we all need to walk 10,000 steps a day?

When you buy yourself a pedometer or an activity tracker like one from Garmin, Fitbit or Jawbone, 10,000 daily steps will most likely be...

Make your fitness habits stick this New Year

Whether your New Year resolution is to get fit, you want to step up your exercise routine or you simply want to improve your...

How can exercise make you happy?

We've all heard that exercise gives you a high due to the endorphins released while you work out, but did you know that frequent...

4 tips for beating your personal best

Beating your personal best is always a challenge. Whether you are looking to take a few seconds off your 5k running time, or add...

Want to increase your fitness this year?

Want to increase your fitness this year? Before you go and spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars, euros, pounds or francs on a gym membership consider the following: Try walking, jogging, or running. They're easy to do at any time of day, you don't have to go far to do it and it's inexpensive. Try it, and measure your progress with QUENTIQ to stay motivated and encourage your friends to get active too.