Drinking before workout

What to eat before going to the gym

Whether you're going to the gym, out on a run or carrying out exercise in the comfort of your home, it's vital that you...

What to eat after going to the gym

As much as it is important to eat the right nutrients before performing exercise, it's just as important to eat after you've finished your...

High-energy foods to snack on

If you start to feel your energy flagging, it can be really tempting to reach for sugary or caffeinated snacks and drinks to try...
A man drinking

What to eat and drink after working out

What you eat and drink after a workout is important. Not only can opting for the wrong foods totally undo the hard work you've...

Could souping be the new juicing?

Juicing has been around for a while and is often used as a form of detoxing. The idea is to get as many nutrients...

Recipe: Healthy snacks

When following a healthy, balanced diet that's packed full of fruits, pulses and vegetables, we know how difficult it can be to resist those...

Great foods for your heart

Your heart needs certain foods to help it function at its best for as long as possible. Taking care to eat foods that look...
Woman looking at a product at a market

How to break out of bad eating habits

Whether you lead a busy lifestyle or are simply lacking in motivation to be healthy, you may have fallen into bad eating habits. After a...