Woman looking at a product at a market

How to break out of bad eating habits

Whether you lead a busy lifestyle or are simply lacking in motivation to be healthy, you may have fallen into bad eating habits. After a...
Men giving high-five

5 ways to support someone’s health goals

Whether you have your own fitness goals or aren't much for working out, it is important to support your partner if they are trying...

Want to increase your fitness this year?

Want to increase your fitness this year? Before you go and spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars, euros, pounds or francs on a gym membership consider the following: Try walking, jogging, or running. They're easy to do at any time of day, you don't have to go far to do it and it's inexpensive. Try it, and measure your progress with QUENTIQ to stay motivated and encourage your friends to get active too.

How to choose the right workout clothes

When it comes to working out, it's important to do so in the right clothes. Exercising in clothes that are too tight and uncomfortable...

Could exercise help leave you pain-free?

Whether you've suffered an injury or have a condition that causes ongoing pain, managing this and trying to carry on with your daily routine...

Do small changes really make a big difference?

The expression 'one step at a time' can be applied to a lot of different things, including getting healthier. Whether you want to tone...

How to keep your family active

It goes without saying that regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet are important all-year-round, but while you might follow these steps yourself, your...

5 ways you could be failing your fitness goals

If you're trying to get fit and healthy, simply going to the gym more often isn't going to cut it. You need to make...