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Eat well during National Nutrition Month®

Embrace this delicious and nutritious month by making your eating a little healthier, bite by bite.

Neuroplasticity: how to harness the power of your brain

You can control and set the direction for amazing changes in your brain that can improve your well-being.

5 Simple Ways To Make Doing Your Taxes Less Of A Drag

No one likes doing it, but it must be done! Our tips may help make your filing go a little faster and a bit smoother.

Victim of data breach? Here’s what to do next

Protect the integrity of all of your online accounts and mitigate damage by taking these important next steps!

Spread some love: adopt a grandparent

Want to change the life of a lonely senior? Here’s how to reach out and share your love with someone in need.

Balancing act: how to improve your balance as you age

Reduce your risk of falling by taking certain precautions around your home and trying simple exercises that can improve your strength and balance.

Ride the rails: explore train travel

Find out why train travel is one of the most relaxing, safest, and most affordable ways to see the beautiful world around you!

10 tips for healthier winter skin

Soothe and protect that dry, itchy winter skin with these simple skin-care tips.