How to cut down on sitting
Sitting is bad for you. You probably already figured that it's better to go for a run than lounge on the sofa for an hour, but you might not realize how much damage spending a day sitting down at work is doing to you.
How to be healthy at the office
Working in an office job isn't great for your health. While some people work outdoors in active roles, you spend eight hours a day sat at a desk, burning very few calories and hurting your back from being bent over a computer. Then there's...
Healthy work lunches that are easy to prepare
Lunch can be the most difficult meal of the day when you're working and trying to stay healthy. No matter where your workplace is, the options surrounding you to buy food are likely to be unhealthy. At best, you can get yourself a pre-packaged...
10 ideas for a money-free weekend
Did you know that you could have an amazing weekend with your friends and family without spending a single dime? It just takes some creativity, planning and a spirit of adventure!
Community street sale: Make some cash and meet new friends
If you have boxes of unwanted stuff in your basement or attic, now might be the perfect time to plan a yard sale. Think big and involve your neighbors too!
How to improve your walking speed
Any exercise is beneficial, but improving your walking speed as you age can help you live a longer, healthier life.
Living independently: How to find the additional support you need
There are a host of medical and physical support resources available to those aging in place. You just need to know where to look!
Foresters and KaBOOM!: Building a better life for kids
Looking for a creative way to volunteer? Sign up for a day of fun while you build a playground for a community in need.