Indoor workout tips

Depending on the weather, you may be working out inside or out. This could also mean that those of you who normally go to the gym will switch up your routine by exercising in the great outdoors instead.

Indoor workout tips

While it’s nice to exercise in the fresh air, you’re more likely to work up a sweat quicker, which can leave you feeling hot and bothered. If you prefer to work out indoors, but don’t want to fork out on a pricey gym membership, exercise inside the comfort of your home.

You may not have viewed your house as a hotspot for exercise before, but there are actually a number of ways in which you can transform it into a convenient workout space.

Follow these indoor exercise tips and work towards a healthier, fitter you:

Purchase low-cost workout equipment

Although you won’t have the same equipment and machines as a gym, you can purchase a selection of at-home workout equipment from various fitness stores at an affordable cost.

Small free weights are a good place to start, as well as a yoga mat and medicine ball. These will allow you to carry out muscle-toning exercises that will help you on the way to your dream body.

If you’re worried about not having enough space to store your equipment, under the stairs or beneath your bed are handy and convenient spots.

Turn cleaning into a workout

Some of you may be guilty of making up excuses to get out of exercising and instead choose to focus solely on household chores like vacuuming when you’re at home. But did you know you could turn cleaning into a workout, too?

Next time you switch on your vacuum cleaner, sweep the floors or lift boxes around the home, add a few lunges and squats. This way you can burn a few calories while making your home look spick and span.

Workout while watching TV

If you want to workout, but don’t want to miss watching your favorite television program, incorporate exercise into viewing time.

Similar to the way you would do tricep dips, you can sit at the edge of your sofa and place your palms on either side of your body. Move so that your body is raised off the floor, with your legs extended in front of you.

Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body to the ground, ensuring you don’t touch the floor. Then lift yourself back up and repeat the process.

You can also do leg raises by sitting at the edge of your sofa with your legs extended and slowly lift them up and down. This will aid muscle toning.

Stock up on DVDs

If you enjoy going to classes at the gym, you’ll be used to receiving instructions and following a set regime. It’s a good idea, therefore, to stock up on a selection of fitness DVDs.

These are ideal for helping you boost your fitness levels, not to mention being fun at the same time.

Look out for celebrity-endorsed workout DVDs to pick up some tips and tricks from some of your favorite stars.

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