What to consider before starting cycling

Cycling is a fantastic sport that almost everyone can do. No matter what age you are or how much disposal cash you have each...

Great ways to exercise during winter

With the summer season behind us and the colder temperatures setting in, your motivation levels may begin to wane and instead of going for...

How swimming can boost your Health Score

With summer fast approaching, there's no better time to get up and partake in a sport or activity that you wouldn't usually consider. While...

How to boost your Health Score in half an hour

On average, our app users spend just over half an hour on their workout (32 minutes) and many people can't spare anymore time when...

Make your fitness habits stick this New Year

Whether your New Year resolution is to get fit, you want to step up your exercise routine or you simply want to improve your...

Quick and easy workout ideas during the holidays

We're well and truly into the festive period, which means many of you will have begun to stock up on sweet treats and savory...

What technology could help you get fit

Improving your fitness levels and tracking your goals doesn't have to be difficult. There are a lot of technology solutions that can make planning...

Five ways to get faster running times

Faster running times Cutting down your running times can be a way to motivate yourself to keep up your fitness and for people that enjoy...