Planning your diet to boost your Health Score

Getting nutrition right is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle and boosting your Health Score. However, the best way to do this...

Recipe: Healthy snacks

When following a healthy, balanced diet that's packed full of fruits, pulses and vegetables, we know how difficult it can be to resist those...

Tasty frozen treats without the calories

Summer is on the horizon in Europe, which means that warmer weather is soon to arrive. While the sunshine of the season brings with...
People looking at a smart watch

How competitiveness can improve your Health Score

Many of us like to win. It's a common trait for people all around the world. However, it seems to be especially abundant in...
An old man drinking water

Why water is key to health

All health-conscious people are well aware that it is good practice to drink the recommended amount of water each day. Not only does this...

Healthy alternatives to tea and coffee

We're all familiar with that feeling in the morning, when our alarm clock goes off but we don't want to get out of bed....
A man in kitchen

Can you survive without carbs?

There's always a lot of hype around carbs, which can make it a bit confusing when you're trying to eat healthily. We're told that...
A woman in kitchen

Are you making these food mistakes?

Even the healthiest eater can make a mistake every now and then that could mean they aren't getting the most out of food. Whether...