Lifehacks for living in an age of anxiety

We all feel overwhelmed sometimes. Occasionally, we might find ourselves simmering with anxiety caused by stress and worry. While uncomfortable, these feelings usually subside when...

Cook at home and your body will thank you

There’s a lot of truth to that old saying, “you are what you eat.” When you put healthy food into your body, you give...

YouTube tourism: explore and learn without leaving home

Travel might not be in the cards for you right now, but did you know that you can experience fascinating places, meet interesting people...

Pole walking: stride your way to a stronger you!

If you already love walking and use it as a way to get your recommended 30-minutes per day of aerobic exercise, you might be...

Are you really okay? Mental health in younger adults

According to Teen Mental Health1, 1 in 5 young people suffer from a mental illness. Teenagers and young adults experience many physical, mental, and...

You’re doing great!

We’re now more than halfway through a year that no one could have predicted would turn out the way it has—and you’ve made it!...

Nature as medicine: a challenge

There’s a good reason that spending time outside usually leaves you feeling happier and more relaxed—actually several good reasons. According to various studies1, being...

Tips for making the perfect loaf of bread

Have you been watching friends post pictures of bakery-worthy homemade bread with amazement (and perhaps a twinge of envy) lately? If you consider yourself a...