A couple working out together

How to work out as a couple

Many people find the drudgery of working out alone unbearable, which leads to people giving up on exercise altogether because it feels like a...

Can exercise keep your mind sharp?

There are so many benefits to exercise, from helping you lose or maintain weight to improving endurance and keeping your heart healthy, but what...

Dealing with post-workout pain

Exercise is supposed to make you feel better and in the long-term it should, but even when you’re doing your body good it can...
People doing yoga inside

How yoga can boost your Health Score

Now the weather is improving, you're probably thinking of more season-appropriate exercise measures, such as swapping the treadmill for running outdoors and taking up...

The benefits of high-intensity interval training

Whether you go to the gym regularly or perform workouts in the comfort of your home, you've probably become used to following a specific...

Why you shouldn’t overtrain

While working out regularly is key to improving your fitness, you can exercise too much. There is a difference between pushing through boundaries and...

How to exercise without trying

If you aren't a huge fan of exercising, but know that you need to introduce it into your lifestyle, it's time to get your...
A woman in gym

Can you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?

We all have different fitness goals. Some of us want to slim down, others have a specific fitness or strength target to aim for,...