Why tracking your health is important

Achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge for many people as the busy nature of many lives means they often fall...

How to boost your Health Score in half an hour

On average, our app users spend just over half an hour on their workout (32 minutes) and many people can't spare anymore time when...
A woman sleeping on the sofa

Five ways to improve your sleep patterns

Achieving a healthy lifestyle is more than just watching what you eat and making sure you get a regular amount of exercise. This is...

3 best ways to stretch at your desk

Most of nowadays working time consists in a bunch of sitting-at-your-desk actions. Replying to emails, writing and editing documents, filling-out forms and spreadsheets with numbers. But there’s more: when home, after your deserved meal, you’ll probably be sitting on your (beloved) couch to watch a new episode of your favourite TV series.

Moving your feet could keep you healthy

We all know we should be moving around more throughout the day in order to stay healthy. However, working in an office can mean...

How to get active on your day off

f you work a full-time job, it's likely you only get a limited number of days off each year. This means that when you...

Can exercise keep your mind sharp?

There are so many benefits to exercise, from helping you lose or maintain weight to improving endurance and keeping your heart healthy, but what...
Getting relax after running

Why massage is important after a big race

People who love hitting the track often get a buzz from the activity itself, but also from being able to push themselves further and...