How to protect your eyes at work

The world revolves around computers nowadays, which means more and more jobs involve sitting in front of a screen. We've already covered how this can be bad for your heart health, due to the amount of time you spend sitting down. However, it can...

What to buy if you struggle with sleeping

If you're having trouble sleeping - especially if it's been affecting you for a while - you might have looked into the range of products you can buy that might help. Unfortunately, this can be confusing, as the market is flooded with all sorts...

The hot drinks that are best for your health

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing on your mind is likely to be about getting a much-needed caffeine boost in the form of a cup of coffee or tea. It's such a habit for so many people that we tend...

Handy hints to help keep your house in tip-top shape

Handy Hints
We’ve complied a dozen clever tips to help you make quick – and cheap – work of your home repairs.

Back-to-school, back to saving!

B2 School
An empty house and the change in routine present some great opportunities to save energy and money as we head into the fall.

A playground for a new generation

Sammons Elementary
Since 2006, together Foresters and KaBOOM! have built over 145 beautiful playspaces across 86 cities in 31 states and provinces throughout North America.

How to start saving for retirement

Retirement Saving
If you're entering midlife and haven't started saving for retirement, here are tips to begin and help you start getting on track.

Workouts for maximum calorie burning

Running a woman and a dog
There is no such thing as a standard workout. Some people hit the gym because they want to pile on as much muscle as possible, others just want to maintain a decent level of cardiovascular fitness. You might exercise to help you succeed at...

Could napping at work solve your productivity woes?

Sleeping man
None of us seem to get enough sleep nowadays. Maybe you struggle to drop off and lie awake for hours, maybe you can fall asleep fine but end up waking up throughout the night, or perhaps you simply have too much to do to...

More than just 5-a-day: How to eat enough fruit and veg

When people talk about a healthy diet, they quite often mention getting your 'five-a-day'; five portions of different fruits and vegetables each day. This advice is intended to get you to consume a good variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to help keep...