Relaxation tips for a stress-free mind

Whether you work long hours or you're just always on the go, sometimes it can be difficult to relax and relieve ourselves from feelings...

5 ways to beat the winter blues

Now that winter is on its way, we know how much the cold weather can affect our lifestyles. While it might seem more desirable...

Could cycling help reduce stress?

Workplace stress doesn't only affect you while you're at work, it can also have an impact on your health and other aspects of your...

Be happy and healthy: Happiness really is the key to good health

When we think of what it means to be healthy, our minds usually go to exercise and food, but there is another factor that...

Common health risks for office workers

Office workers are among the most unhealthy group of people in the labour market as the nature of the role means that many employees...

Great ways to make your house healthier

You might pay attention to your personal health, but how much thought do you give to the health of your home? Your house can...

How sitting is harming your health

More and more of us spend the bulk of our day sitting down. As both work and home life become more sedentary, reducing the...

Is lack of sleep affecting your work?

Some days, it seems like you can't get anything done at work. You spend all your time at your desk with your head in...