A group of kids gardening

A modern fraternal supporting the next generation

The next generation of volunteers needs strong support behind them. At Foresters, part of our mission is to instill a passion for giving back to our members and their children and grandchildren. Here’s how we’re working towards that goal.
A man and a woman smiling while attending a volunteer event

Employees living Foresters Purpose in their communities

As part of our 150th anniversary celebrations, we talked to two Foresters employees and learned about how the organization has helped them give back to causes that matter to them.
Foresters history

A look back at 150 years of Foresters

Our organization’s history dates back to 1874, and it is filled with incredible stories of members giving back throughout different eras and family legacies that have grown with Foresters.
Foresters' Richard Hennick and Dan Fortin

Kicking off Foresters 150th anniversary celebrations

This is a big year for Foresters, and we can’t wait to start celebrating with you!
woman pouring water over plantings

Making Connections with the Growing a Better Future program

Let’s look back at the inspiring and rewarding Growing a Better Future program events and webinars in 2023.

How to make the most of walking

Walking is one of the easiest ways to keep yourself active, especially when you are struggling for time due to work commitments. It does not...

How to boost your Health Score in half an hour

On average, our app users spend just over half an hour on their workout (32 minutes) and many people can't spare anymore time when...

Why massage is important after a big race

People who love hitting the track often get a buzz from the activity itself, but also from being able to push themselves further and...

How to start training for a marathon

Running is a great way to reduce your stress levels and improve your well-being and exercise levels, all of which will see your personal...

The best fitness classes for your health

With the weather outside being less than attractive, many people can see their exercise plans fall apart during the winter. However, sticking to a...

How to work out as a couple

Many people find the drudgery of working out alone unbearable, which leads to people giving up on exercise altogether because it feels like a...

Top five sports to increase your health score

Many people can find it difficult to become more active, and this is largely because a lot of individuals think the only way to...

10 ways yoga can improve your health

If you see your Health Score suffer because you put off running or other high-impact exercise, remember that something like yoga, which is a...