World Health Day

World Health Day

View Post Every year on April 7, the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates World Health Day to draw worldwide attention to health-related issues of global...

Gaming and online communities: what you need to know

If you have children or grandchildren of a certain age, you may feel you’ve lost them to the lure of digital devices and online...

Aging gracefully: love the skin you’re in

  Let’s clear something up: aging gracefully doesn’t mean spending thousands of dollars and countless hours trying to look 16, nor does it mean “giving...

Summer travel and vaccinations. Are you covered?

In the simplest terms, a vaccine gives us an immunity against whatever disease it is designed to protect us from. When you get a...
I wish you had not said that

I wish you hadn’t said that

With the holidays approaching, we have some tips for dealing with prying questions, and conversation prompts that can help make everyone feel more comfortable.

Empty nest? Time to focus on you!

Strategies for fully embracing this new stage in your life.

The flu shot: yea or nay?

Are flu shots necessary, effective, and safe—and should you get one this year?
June2019-Sugar vs Fat

Sugar vs. fat: the great debate

If you’re a certain age, you will remember when fat became public enemy number one. You couldn’t walk down a grocery store aisle without...